Hair loss is the most significant cosmetic problem which men suffer. In cases where the hair cannot be recovered through medical treatments, hair transplantation becomes the only option. Since hair transplantation methods offer a permanent solution for women as well, the rate at which they are used increases with each passing day. One of these methods is Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) which has been in use for nearly seven years. DHI, which has become very popular in recent years due to its short application time and the lack of incision or operation scars, is among the first options which are chosen by patients who come from abroad for treatment. Doctor Abdullah Etöz, a cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital, has shared information with us about DHI method which is based on individual collection and simultaneous implantation of each hair root.
This is one of the special methods developed with the use of the FUE technique. Other methods require the hair roots to be implanted only after they are subjected to various processes by the specialist. In DHI, however, there is no waiting time for implantation after collection of the roots. Implantation is done at the same time and one by one. Therefore, it offers a solution to people who wish to have thicker hair or those who do not want for the hair in the implantation area to be cut off completely.
The biggest advantage of FUE is implantation of the maximum number of hair at a single time. For implantations that involve small amounts of hair or multiple sessions, DHI is a better choice. Therefore, we can say that it is a technique within the FUE range rather than an alternative to it.
Similar to conventional FUE, this technique involves the collection of hair grafts individually. The difference is in the fact that the collected hairs are implanted right away. Therefore, the technique does not require special preparation. Another difference is in the amount of time that is spent. While it is possible to implant 4,000 grafts in FUE, only around 1,500 grafts can be implanted in DHI. This may seem like a disadvantage; however, since the patient groups for the two methods differ from each other, the outcomes are also different and satisfactory for both.
The most important advantage is that the procedure can be performed without shortening the hair, especially for small transplantations and female patients. By this way, daily life is not effected by the procedure. It is also a good option for implantations that are to be made in multiple sessions. Since both FUE and DHI methods are performed under local anesthesia, there is no pain in any way.
We do not recommend the procedure for men who require extensive implantation and it is not possible to use the method in such situations anyways. However, the method is particularly suitable for women, as well as for men who wish to thicken their hair and men who want beard transplantation.
We are the first choice of patients from many regions of Europe. The highest number of patients to whom we provide services is from Spain, followed by the Arabian Peninsula.
Before the patients arrive, we ask them to send pictures of their hair and perform a general evaluation based on these. We do not invite patients whose donor area is not sufficient or those for whom we believe that the procedure will not yield good results. Therefore, most patients arrive knowing the implantation conditions and the limits of treatment, which ensures for their expectations to be met. This, in turn, increases their trust in us.
Patients of all ages between 25 and 60 apply to us. Each month, we perform hair transplantation for approximately 100 patients from abroad. Our workload is heavier during winter months. The number of local patients we treat is also on the rise.
I can say that we work with a satisfaction rate of 95%. This is because we make sure to provide solutions for the correct types with the correct methods; our patients are always happy after the procedure. We consider each patient to be our reference for new patients.