Cancer Treatment in Turkey (Oncology) - ACIBADEM
Cancer Treatment (Oncology)

Cancer Treatment (Oncology)

We team up against cancer!

We know fighting cancer might be the toughest thing a patient ever has to do. It is a 24-hour-a-day job that can drain both the mind and the body.

On this tough journey, successful results require precision and dedication. At Acıbadem Healthcare Group, we provide all the necessary treatments with our multidisciplinary approach, experienced team, and advanced technology.

A multidisciplinary approach based on committed teamwork is the core of cancer treatment!

The most effective solutions in the treatment of cancer are achieved using a multidisciplinary approach. Consultations between physicians in various specialties are extremely important in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, which requires close teamwork.

In multidisciplinary structures, specialists in various areas come together, reach a joint decision, and share responsibility. As a result, in the field of oncology, working within a multidisciplinary structure increases the success in the treatment and follow-up of cancer patients.

Acibadem hospitals — team up for cancer patients with world-class technology

At Acibadem Healthcare Group, we have brought the latest technology to Turkey. With our highly developed technological devices and wealth of knowledge and experience, we offer our patients state-of-the-art technologies used worldwide in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

What are cancer and oncology?

Cancer is the inclusive name given to more than a hundred different diseases that occur from the uncontrollable growth of cells due to defects in the normal working mechanisms of a patient’s body. This branch of medicine is called oncology; this name is a combination of the Greek words “oncos” (burden, volume, and mass) and “logos” (study). Oncology involves the study of masses or tumors caused by abnormal cells in order to understand, identify, and treat cancer diseases.

Types of cancer

As mentioned above, cancer has many types that differ according to how and in which part of the body abnormal cell growth occurs. Some main categories encompass certain cancer types.

  • Carcinoma: This is the most common category of cancer. Carcinoma cases are formed by the cells that cover the inside and outside surfaces of our bodies. Most breast cancer cases fall into this category, but they can also be sarcomas. Because we have several different ways to diagnose breast cancer at Acibadem hospitals, patients can expect a smoother experience in treatment with more accurate identification of their disease than at other hospitals.
  • Sarcoma: Cancer cases in this category are formed in the bone, muscle, and cartilaginous tissues, as well as the blood vessels. At Acıbadem cancer treatment centers, we have the technological resources to treat prostate and kidney cancers in this category using robotic surgery.
  • Leukemia: This category is the general name given to cancer cases that form in the blood-forming tissue of the bone marrow. One of the most common types of cancer seen in children is leukemia, as well as central nervous system tumors and lymphomas. Our medical experts that specialize in children’s cancer cases can help identify and treat these diseases, easing the whole process.
  • Lymphoma and myelomaThese cancer types occur in the cells of the immune system. While lymphoma usually starts in the lymph nodes or other parts of the lymphatic system, myeloma cases occur in the plasma in the white blood cells, rendering the patient’s immune system unable to fight against infections.

Cancer symptoms in men and women

Most types of cancer can manifest in similar ways in both men and women. Some common symptoms include rapid weight loss without trying, pain, fatigue, continuous coughing, anemia, bleeding, non-healing surface injuries, fever, fatigue, and unforeseen changes in the skin.

There are also certain cancers that only (or mostly) occur in either men or women. Testicular and prostate cancers, for example, occur in only male patients. Prostate cancer symptoms include blood in the urine and pain while urinating. A lump or pain in the scrotal area can be a sign of testicular cancer. Women are more prone to breast cancer than men, and they are also more affected by lung and colorectal cancers. While unusual vaginal bleeding can be a sign of cancer of the cervix, vagina, or vulva, changes in appetite and belly pain or bloating can also be symptoms of several different cancers and should be checked by a professional.

Cancer treatment

Cancer treatment depends on several different variables: The type of cancer, the stage of cancer, other factors in the patient’s body, and the medical means of the treatment facility can all influence the treatment. Chemotherapy is one of the most used treatments for cancer. It includes drugs that fight cancer cells, but it also has major side effects. Surgery, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy are also viable options in certain cancer cases.

Cancer treatment in Turkey

Acıbadem is a leading name in the field of medicine in Turkey, and our professional medical staff has numerous options to choose from when treating the various types of cancer cases they come across in patients. Thanks to the resources that are present in our facilities, we guarantee a smooth process in the identification, treatment, and care aspects at our state-of-the-art treatment centers that are in easy-to-reach, central locations while maintaining a competitive price.

The center of cancer treatment: Medical oncology

Medical oncology is a branch of science that covers not only the treatment of cancer patients but also cancer protection, cancer screening, and early diagnostic applications.

Moreover, in cancer diagnosis and treatment, there is cooperation between various fields such as surgery and radiology. The approach to patients is planned in a multidisciplinary way in line with scientific data.

In medical oncology, treatment planning changes based on:

  • The cell type of cancer
  • The organ in which it first appeared
  • The areas to which it has spread

Types of treatment used in medical oncology

Chemotherapy (medicated therapy): Chemotherapy aims to destroy cancerous cells that grow in an uncontrolled manner due to some changes in their structures. In Acibadem Oncology Centers, we apply the most recent developments in this field to treat our patients.

Hormone therapy: Hormonal drugs are used in the treatment of tumors that are sensitive to hormones, such as prostate and breast cancers.

Immunotherapy (treatment via the immune system): Substances that the immune system naturally produces are used to identify and kill cancerous cells by alerting the body’s immune system to the presence of the cells.

Target-driven biological therapy: One of the most important developments of the last decade in cancer treatment has been highly effective biological therapies. This treatment type has relatively few side effects and identifies targets that are present in cancerous cells but not in normal cells.

Targeting cancer cells: Radiation oncology

Radiation oncology uses ionizing radiation to examine the effects of radiation on cancer and the behavior of tumors and also covers research in this field. Radiation oncology has two areas of application: Radiotherapy and radiosurgery.

Radiotherapy (x-ray therapy)

Radiotherapy is defined as the treatment of cancerous tissue or some non-malignant tumors with radiation. It is also colloquially referred to as radiation therapy or x-ray therapy. The beams used in radiotherapy aim to stop cancerous cells from growing or kill them.

Fields of application for radiotherapy

Curative radiotherapy: In light of the available information about the disease, this is applied in cases where the disease can be completely treated. It can be applied alone or with surgery and/or chemotherapy.

Palliative radiotherapy: This is applied in cases where it is impossible to destroy the disease. The goal is to prevent and relieve suffering and improve the quality of life for people facing serious, complex illnesses.

Scalpel-free and bloodless surgical treatment using beams: Radiosurgery

The fundamental aim of radiosurgery, one of the fields of application of radiation oncology, is to direct many low-energy beams to the diseased area to shrink or kill the cancerous cells with the intense beams while protecting the surrounding healthy tissues from the harmful effects of radiation.

Techniques used in the application of radiation oncology

IGRT: Image-guided radiation therapy

IMRT: Intensity-modulated radiation therapy

Conformal Radiotherapy: Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy

SRT/SRS: Stereotactic radiosurgery refers to the destruction of a tumor in a single session through high doses of radiation. When this therapy is applied over more than one session (generally 3–5 sessions), it is called stereotactic radiotherapy.

Rapidarc: Rapidarc is a highly developed technology that provides greater comfort and ease for the patient by reducing the length of radiotherapy sessions from 15–30 minutes to as little as two minutes.

Brachytherapy: Brachytherapy is a method used to increase local control of the disorder by raising the dose of radiation applied to the tumor before and after external radiotherapy.

Single dose radiation therapy: Single-dose radiotherapy begins, preferably after chemotherapy, in patients who require it or at least three weeks after surgery in patients who are only treated with hormone therapy.

Treatment devices used in the application of radiation oncology:

Trilogy: The Trilogy device allows for accurate intervention by specialists in the shortest amount of time and in the ideal dose. This means that the patient receives the most accurate treatment in the shortest amount of time.

MRIdian®: This is the world’s first radiotherapy device with integrated onboard magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for image guidance. This device can provide continuous and real-time-based imaging before and during treatment.

Truebeam®: This is a system to treat cancer with speed and accuracy while avoiding damage to healthy tissues and organs. The most important feature of TrueBeam® is that it can provide fast, safe, and effective treatment.

CyberKnife®:This is a robotic radiosurgery system with high precision to within a millimeter. Using this system, cancerous regions in the brain or body can be treated with high doses by using radiation beams focally. In this procedure, healthy tissues can be maximally protected against the side effects of radiation.

Gamma Knife® Icon™: Gamma Knife® is a stereotactic intracranial radiosurgery technique that is used for treating brain tumors and other brain abnormalities as part of radiation therapy. In Gamma Knife® radiosurgery, the targeted tissues receive a very high dose of radiation in a single session. This procedure aims to stop the growth of the tumor.

Application Fields of Surgical Treatment

Curative surgery is also applied within the scope of surgical oncology. However, the preliminary condition for applying curative surgery is that the disorder is limited to the organ or lymph nodes where it first appeared. Tumors may be completely removed from patients provided that their boundaries are well defined. However, there are cases in which the tumor cannot be completely removed. In such cases, debulking surgery may be applied to minimize the bulk. Moreover, the removal of metastases that are low in number improves a patient’s chance of a sound recovery.

Robotic Surgery with “da Vinci

Laparoscopic operations that are performed with the da Vinci surgical robot are referred to as robotic surgery. These operations provide numerous advantages to the patient. In addition to the common advantages of all laparoscopic operations, such as minimal pain and scarring and a short hospital stay, there is also less bleeding in laparoscopic surgeries than in traditional surgeries, and the success rate is higher. da Vinci robotic surgery is performed in the following major areas: gynecology, gynecologic oncology, urology, cardiac and vascular surgery, general surgery, and ear-nose-throat surgery.

The first step towards accurate treatment: Radiological diagnostic methods

An accurate radiological diagnosis is an essential part of deciding how treatment should be performed. Modern techniques and advanced technologies, as well as experienced radiology staff, are of paramount importance when performing radiological diagnoses.

In addition to qualified radiology staff, techniques applied with advanced technologies must be used to achieve an accurate diagnosis. At Acibadem Healthcare Group, we work according to this principle and closely follow developments in medical science, constantly replacing our diagnostic equipment in all our hospitals and outpatient centers with new, high-tech equipment.

Positron emission tomography/Computed tomography

For rapid and reliable diagnosis: The positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) device is used to identify tumors in their early stages, particularly for cancer treatment, and to determine whether these tumors are malign or benign. The device is also used in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological and cardiological disorders.

PET/CT in early diagnosis: PET/CT offers significant advantages in the early diagnosis of many disorders. In pre-PET/CT periods, an early diagnosis was made only by a biopsy to determine whether nodules in the body were cancerous or not, whereas this can now be determined with a high rate of precision using PET/CT.

PET/CT in metastasis: PET/CT also offers a significant advantage for the determination of whether the disease has spread to the adjacent tissues or lymph nodes in many cancer types, i.e., whether there is metastasis. Since the entire body is visualized at the same time via the images taken using PET/CT, it is also possible to evaluate whether cancer has spread to other organs. Thus, PET/CT is highly advantageous in determining, for instance, whether a tumor in the lung has spread to other internal organs, the adrenal glands, or the lymph nodes (i.e. determining whether there is metastasis). In other words, PET/CT can be used to determine the extent of the disorder, which is known as staging.


Intraoperative MRI facilitates the complete removal of a tumor by providing images during brain surgery. It thus eliminates the risk of a second operation that would be required due to residual tumor.


This is a mammography device that delivers excellent two- and three-dimensional image quality at the lowest possible dose. With its two-dimensional and multi-slice, three-dimensional tomosynthetic imaging capacity, it offers groundbreaking possibilities in the early diagnosis of cancer.

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